As a result of the various programs implemented by Pambazuko La Wanawake Magharibi, the following changes have been observed:

1. Through advocacy for farmers’ rights, farmers in Miwani sugar zone and workers were paid accrued dues.
2. Reduced FGM cases especially in Mt. Elgon and Kisii areas.
3. Through the various capacity building programs on women leadership implemented by the organization, there has been a great change in the way women perceive themselves in terms of self-esteem, and ability to compete for leadership positions.
4. Increased knowledge on Family planning (FP) among community women, and FP service utilization.
5. Improved household income as a result of the women skill development projects for income generation.
6. There is positive attitude change in the community especially among men towards women participation in community development programs.
7. Community members are being encouraged to report injustices and be part of the solution.
8. Increased knowledge of the community and youth on their rights and where to get support services.
9. Increased retention rate of girls in schools has been realized as a result of improved menstrual period management.