Pambazuko is steered by a General assembly comprising of members of all member groups and it is the highest authority of the organization; the organization has a board of directors and Management committees that include; Welfare, Finance, and training/Capacity building committees.

Each committee is composed of four members that include; the chairperson, secretary, and two committee members. Pambazuko is also open to working with other partners such as donors and advisors in order to achieve its goal of women empowerment.

Financial Resources (Annual budget /income and expenditure);

Pambazuko La Wanawake Magharibi has an annual budget of $486,886 but changes depending on programs to be implemented in a given year. However, due to insufficient funds, the organization has been implementing its program activities more on a voluntary basis with minimal funding from donors. Despite the funding constraints, the organization has strategies to embark on rigorous resource mobilization in order to oversee its operations.

Technical Support (sources of technical support);

Pambazuko La Wanawake Magharibi implements its programs in partnership with different stakeholders at different level. These are for instance donors like Actionaid International Kenya and MIUSA, Government institutions/departments like the Ministry Of Gender, Ministry Of Health, Ministry Of Education and Ministry of Gender and Sports, as well as various women groups at community level. The organization does not only benefit from the wide range of capacity building interventions acquired through partner organizations, but also shares its best practice with others which has greatly contributed to its sustainability.